Clayton Hamre

Résumé ✵  CV

Data Analyst for Student Success
University of West Georgia

I work at the University of West Georgia, serving as Data Analyst for Student Success in the university's Strategic Enrollment Management Division.

I previously completed a PhD in Linguistics at the University at Buffalo, where I served as instructor for courses on the history and structure of the English language, as well as research assistant for Key Pluridisciplinary Advances on African Multilingualism – Cameroon (KPAAM-CAM). My academic interests center on the use of quantitative and corpus methods to explore variation in language and human culture.

With a degree in Geographic Information Systems, I have experience engaging in data analysis and data management in utilities, transportation, and recreation.

Mapping American English with Reddit | Project Overview (pptx) Poster Maps


University at Buffalo | 2017–2023
PhD in Linguistics
Dissertation: A geographic analysis of lexical variation in North American English using Reddit corpora

Ohio University | 2012–2016
B.S. in Geographic Information Science
B.A. in Political Science
Linguistics Minor


Data Analyst for Student Success | University of West Georgia | 2024present

Researcher | University at Buffalo | 20172023

Instructor | University at Buffalo | 20172022

GIS Technician | Sanitation District No. 1 | 2016-2017

GIS Projects Intern | Great Parks of Hamilton County | 2013, 2016

Planning and Scheduling Intern | Metro - Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority | 2015

Scholar - Energy and Environment Team | Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service - Ohio University | 2014-2016

Talks and workshops

2022. Introduction to GIS for the Humanities. Digital Humanities Research Workshop, University at Buffalo, February 17, 2022 (delivered remotely). [event link] [video tutorial]

2021. Good, Jeff and Clayton Hamre. Lexical and spatial networks in a rural multilingual setting. Typology of Small-Scale Multilingualism Conference 2, University of Helsinki, August 16-18 (delivered remotely).

2021. Good, Jeff and Clayton Hamre. Realizing relationships through the collection of spatial data in a documentary project. Workshop at the 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, March 4-7 (delivered remotely).

2019. Interspeaker and intraspeaker variation in Buffalo Canadian Raising. 2nd Annual Buffalo-Toronto Workshop, University of Toronto, March 19.


Instructor of Record

Roots of English | Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019
Structure of English: The Sound System | Spring 2019

Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Linguistic Analysis | Spring 2020
Roots of English | Fall 2018
Language in Pluralistic America | Spring 2018
Language, Society, and the Individual | Fall 2017

Selected coursework



